16.03.2025 op Facebook geplaatst:
Lately, I’ve been reflecting on the heart of dog shows—not just the winners, but everyone who steps into the ring. It’s easy to focus on the familiar faces at the top, but the truth is, every exhibitor plays a vital role in the sport. Without every exhibitor, there is no competition, no progression, and no future for our breeds.
Success in the ring is an achievement, and every exhibitor, regardless of the outcome, contributes to the bigger picture. Most people enter the show world not for trophies or prestige, but because they love their dogs and want to be part of something bigger, to have a good time with their dogs. And what the definition of a good time is, is for every exhibitor different.
Judges base their decisions on the breed standard—it’s the blueprint, their guiding principle. The dogs that adhere most closely to the breed standard (should) have a greater chance of winning, this ensures that breed integrity is maintained. However, it is also important to acknowledge that every exhibitor plays a role in the sport, and the value of participation extends beyond just the winners. Most people start showing because they love their dogs, not because they’re in pursuit of an ego boost through a rosette.
Take me, for example. My first show was meant to be a favor to my breeder, who thought my dog might have a shot and could do well. On the day, the judge awarded us Best of Breed and there was a rather good entry. For a few glorious weeks, I genuinely believed I had the best dog in the Netherlands. That illusion was swiftly shattered at the next show, where my dog didn’t place at all. But the memory of that first win, shared with my breeder, my parents, and my husband was magical. If I hadn’t had that experience, I probably wouldn’t be writing this, almost twenty five years later, today.
I always remind myself, as a judge, that every dog in my ring means the world to someone. The one I don’t place isn’t just “another entry.” It’s a beloved pet, a first-time show dog, or even a future asset to the breed. Every entry matters. Every exhibitor plays a role in the sport, whether they walk away with a ribbon or not. We can’t dismiss the ones who don’t take home the trophies. After all, every champion started somewhere—often as an unplaced hopeful in the hands of a nervous first-time exhibitor.
Not everybody can win, and that is part of the challenge—there are only so many cards. Competition drives us to improve, and striving for excellence is what keeps the sport exciting. A select few will get all the attention, but without all other exhibitors, there wouldn’t be anything to celebrate at all. Every participant contributes to the spectacle and deserves appreciation for that. There is so much focus on the group judging where only a few participate in, while the majority goes home with any recognition at all. Imagine a show were there is a small token of appreciation to acknowledge every exhibitor that they were part of a day that could only happen because of them! That token could be a rosette or a certificate. Or to make it a bit more fancy what about a cup to drink from so that every time you drink your coffee or tea, you will be reminded of a lovely day. Wouldn't that be great.
One of the reasons I write this is that I hope breeders feel welcome at shows, whether they breed for the show ring or not. Participating in a show allows a breeder to evaluate how closely their breeding aligns with the breed standard. It’s not just about winning; it’s about learning, improving, and contributing to the future of our beloved breed. When breeders feel welcome and appreciated, they become the best ambassadors for newcomers—just as I once was.
One of the greatest challenges for the world of showing, and purebred dogs in general, in my opinion, is engaging new people who can carry the "tradition" of dogshowing forward and keep the flag flying for years to come. And for that to happen, we must include everyone!
So next time you’re at a show—whether as a judge, an exhibitor, or a show organizer—take a moment to appreciate every dog and exhibitor in the ring. Please remember, all exhibitors and their dogs matter!
Bianca Janssen - Staffjoy's