Bianca Janssen ( Staffjoy’s)


My first involvement with Staffords was in 1997 when, along with my husband Henk, we purchased our first Stafford called Brawny’s Joey. He was only bought as a pet but at his first show at the age of 9 months he was awarded the C.C. and B.O.B. This really was the start of the world of dog showing. Our first real showdog was imported from Germany, his name Hot Staff’s Fellow at Staffjoy’s, and he gained many C.C’s in several countries and was Top Stafford in the Netherlands 2002.  In 2001 our first litter was born and to date 9 Staffjoy’s Staffords carry the title of Champion on the Continent, the U.S.A and Brazil, amongst them Ch. Staffjoy’s Titian Queen who was Top Stafford in the Netherlands 2011.

As co-owner I campaigned quite a few Staffordshire Bull Terriers their Dutch champion title, I like to mention,Ch. GoldStaff Checkpoint who was also Top Stafford 2018 in the Netherlands and Ch. Earthquake Staff’s High Hopes.  We also imported Staffordshire Bull Terries . Our Scottish import bitch Benlui’s Dutch Dreamgirl who we campaigned  to her Dutch championshiptitle, Highbourne Bureaucracy who we campaigned to his Dutch, Luxembourgh and German championtitles, From Denmark came Multi Ch. Angelic Staff’s Kiss Me Kiwi and from Spain Multi Ch. Earthquake Staff’s Icehot Jw’16 NJK’17 BEW'17.
In 2024 Ch. Earthquake Staffs Zenit came over from Spain to live with us and after winning the Terriergroup at this first ever show from juniorclass, he was awarded the Dutch champion title at the age of 27 months,.. as one would say in terms shipping, it was a smooth crossing,....

I've have judged in South Africa, Belgium, Poland, Germany, Ireland, Australia, Czech Republic, France, New Zealand, Italy, the United States, Mexico, Finland, Denmark, Great Britain and the Netherlands. Amongst these appointments are three of the most prestigious shows on the Continent being the Amsterdam Winner, the German Bundessieger and Brussels Dogshow but also the National Speciality of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of America. 

I had the honour to judge in the U.K at the Open show of the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of South Wales in August 2009, the Limit show of the Morecambe Bay & Cumbria Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club in February 2011. I judged at championshipshowlevel in 2014 for the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club of South Wales and in 2019 at Border Union, In 2021 at the Potteries Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club and in 2022 for the Downlands Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club.  My next judging appointments in the UK will be in 2026

I’ve been involved with  the Staffordshire Bull Terrier Club Netherlands as a secretary and editor of the clubmagazine and was closely involved with the organisation of the first few editions of the International Stafford Match. 

On behalf of the the Dutch kennelclub I was involved with the educationprogramm for upcoming judges in our breed over a period of ten years. One of the things that I find most rewarding to do is giving seminars, which I’ve done in the Netherlands, Italy and Mexico as I believe that is, as a judge, one of the best things to give back to the breed that has given me so much.

Yours in Staffordshire Bull Terriers,
Bianca Janssen